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Why Some Agencies Have Personal Projects.

You might have heard that all work and no play makes you dull. This holds true in advertising. Play is sometimes important for creativity. Being in a creative business like advertising means being experimental and being experimental also means questioning the status quo. Agencies take up personal projects because they’re an important way of learning. Like Jessica Walsh’ 40 Days of Dating. They’re like a “mini university” that teach skills which could be applied for more commercial projects. They could roll out into something that could become commercially viable or just something that could be attention grabbing.

Technology Gains Ground in Indian Advertising

Successful ROI is the main reason for advertising in India today. While India as a country grows digitally it has become increasingly difficult for advertisers to implement measures to improve digital advertising. Focus must be placed on Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation. They ensure that ads are cost effective and and have a wide reach. Social media ads provide a two way communication for effective marketing to consumers and vice versa. Consumers can reach marketeers and express their concerns instantly via this channel. Also ads can be adapted based on their analytical insights. Technology today is one of the best ways to make advertising more effective, and have a successful ROI.

Brand Storytelling

Advertising today isn’t just by showcasing what a brand has to offer.
Brands today tell stories, not just of their product and brand but those that might move us, or have a social purpose. This is a strategic move from the traditional ways of advertising.
And I’m talking about not just posting on Instagram’s Story feature, which brands have leveraged on digital today, but of well thought of stories.


Apple makes it to Instagram

Although not one of it’s first, but Apple has officially launched it’s Instagram account on August 7th 2017.
The once social media shy company, Apple finally succumbed to leveraging this marketing giant and decided to hop on the bandwagon like everyone else.
Extending it’s ‘Shot on Iphone’ campaign, Apple created posts, videos and Instagram Stories around this.
Encouraging users to post pictures with the #shotoniphone.

Why storytelling is an effective marketing tool.

Brands have been using storytelling for a long time. Here is why brands use storytelling as part of their marketing strategy:
1. It gives the brand more personality. Making it more real. More relatable to the customer. Once a customer bonds with the brand it would be difficult for him/her to change.
2. It connects with the client on a more emotional level. It becomes memorable.
3. Clients would want to keep returning to the product, to see or experience more stories.



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