How inspiring can an Instagram page get?
How innovative?
Is your Instagram page fun?
What about the other social pages?
Does you brand speak well?
Do people feel like they are missing out if they don’t follow your brand?
Few simple checkpoints.

How inspiring can an Instagram page get?
How innovative?
Is your Instagram page fun?
What about the other social pages?
Does you brand speak well?
Do people feel like they are missing out if they don’t follow your brand?
Few simple checkpoints.
This is an experimental piece from
our very fat Instagram @fatfeedzero.
Our feed is a series of images that connect to
one another to form an overgrowing image.
Off late, our team has been obsessing over
Game of Thrones. And now that
is expressing itself in our Insta feed,
which our team curates very passionately.
Check it out sometime.
Instagram: @fatfeedzero.