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Its all in The Packaging.

Not ALL, but certainly a lot is in the packaging.
We’ve all been guilty of buying things because the box looks nice.

The box is what you see of a product, before you decided buy the product.

The box implies:
The little details on the box;
How the box looks on your website;
What the box says;
What it feels like;
How like-able it is;
Assuming your product comes in a box, that is.
If it doesn’t, it’s even more important to design its packaging well.
It could be an idea that you need to package;
A policy;
A person;
Your brand;

Good packaging is a simple way to gain some competitive edge.
And complicated in the details that need to work seamlessly for a
packaging to be attractive.

Consider these simple factors when you’re
looking to design packaging for your products.

1. Brand Identity: Is it reflecting your brand effectively?

2. Visibility: The human mind and eye innately
have the capacity to differentiate between ordinary and different.

3. Information: Does it say the right things.

4. Protection: And for all practical reasons,
Packaging is what saves a product from wear and tear in handling.
It matters, a lot how a particular product lands on a consumer’s lap
and this impacts consumer perception of the brand.
In the end, packaging is a major reason that helps
a person decide to buy or not, giving it a competitive advantage.

Stalk Us.

Our Instagram feed is being fed almost every day.
And getting fatter than ever.
It is a graphic series of images
that connect to the next to make
a larger and ever-growing feed.
Check us out @fatfeedzero
Followers revisit us frequently, you may too.

Zero Budget Agency Office Image

Up and up and about!

Stretch your legs, or cross them,
Listen to jazz or punk.
Wear some clothes, or not.
Nobody cares!
Our workspace is fun, quirky, maybe a little weird.
It is certainly not ordinary.
This is where our creative process begins.
This is how our creative process begins – 
from the energy in our room, with our people,
our strange corners filled with stuff we’ve been hoarding,
and book-filled walls, posters and fliers strewn around,
with little room to breathe.

Brand-building at near-zero media cost