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Priya Cinemas Relaunch
The iconic Priya cinema is back, better than ever.
Priya. Your favourite, then and now was the tagline.
The strategy revolved around reintroducing Priya and highlighting the new improved experience but keeping the nostalgia intact.
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Petrol Price Hike
ZERO’s response to the hike in petrol prices in 2018.
The concept behind this was that due to the rise in the price of petrol we’d soon be in a situation where animals would need to drag our vehicles.
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No Shave Movember
Movember is an annual event where people grow moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues.
The concept behind this video was that even Superheroes need support.
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Tin Tin Comics | 111th Anniversary wish
Content for Zero’s social media on the 111th Anniversary of Tin Tin comics.
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New Year Wish | 2019
ZERO’s new year wish for 2019.
The concept behind it was to wish people to make and achieve bigger goals. To reach for the sky!