We’ve had the good fortune of helping build many brands in India. Some with excellent products and management.
Some from inception, some to reach bigger markets. Hope to continue to do so. #madeinindia #buyIndia #BuyLocal #SupportTheIndiaEconomy
#stayhome #stayresponsible #zerobudgetagency #branding
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Brands made in India
May 18, 2020
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Brand Cannibalism
March 30, 2020
Marketing has evolved over the years. It has shifted from its foundation idea of converting customer needs and wants into products and services to a more transactional idea – to makes sales redundant and innovation has a key role to play.
R&D has emerged as an important department in every business. Companies are allocating extra funds to R&D departments to innovate new products and discover new uses of existing products. All this to bite into a big chunk of the market share and brand cannibalism has become the premier route for companies looking to employ this.
Let’s understand how this works.
The company launches a new product into a market where the growth is less. The product either eats the share of the existing products or disappears. When it eats the share of its own company’s products, it’s cannibalism.
Let’s see an example.
Apple is a master of this game. It uses planned and powerful cannibalism to increase sales of its products. With the introduction of iPad, the sales of the Macintosh declined. iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro ate up the market for iPhone X and iPhone XR.
Not only this. The design and features Apple employs in its new products, tarnishes the market of products with previous designs. Quad camera design collapsed the market of smartphones with dual camera designs. Face unlock feature ate the market of smartphones with pin or pattern unlock designs.
Cannibalism if done properly and strategically can be a boon for the company. Sales shoot up over a short period of time. The product becomes a benchmark. The company’s awareness increases manifold. Overall, the brand equity skyrockets.
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Brand Cannibalism
March 30, 2020
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November 1, 2019
Honestly, both spook us out!
Happy Halloween!
November 1, 2019
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the client is NOT always right!
August 19, 2019
Whether you work in design, art, copy or any other creative department, you’re bound to deal with at least one client in your lifetime who is straight from the fiery pits. The age old motto: “The client is always right” does not apply to them because in reality they’re not always right!
We agree that some clients, because they are human beings, make mistakes. But this client of ours is just unrealistic in his demands and expects the impossible. From making a complete brochure from incomplete information, to changing the copy several thousand times, to illustrating even the tiniest of details for the cover design only for it to be turned down – this client made designing a hard job.
It’s a wonder how we managed to remain professional and courteous in such an irritating situation. Alas! It was a team effort from our end that made the completion of this brochure ……wait! The client just called. MORE CHANGES!!
the client is NOT always right!
August 19, 2019
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Fat Feed Mobile Banner
July 25, 2019
Building Instagram’s fattest Feed.
Started as an experiment that lead
us to win an award, namely the
Kyoorius Inbook for Digital Design.
Every post has a story and
connects with the next to
form one very long image.