What is the point of Exaggerating; Up-selling; Promising, and not keeping them; The person you are speaking to you is probably smarter than you. If not, she has Google. It might be a good idea to build honest brands, tell more truths. May help sell.
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August 14, 2016
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We have a snappy ghost amongst us.
August 13, 2016
It’s been fun and refreshing to create these mini videos for our snapchat. These are created in our studio, within fifteen minutes. More to come…
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We have a snappy ghost amongst us.
August 13, 2016
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69 Is Good!
August 12, 2016
On the eve of the weekend before Independence Day – Happy 69!
69 Is Good!
August 12, 2016
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Brandname, identity & marketing strategy for a retail analytics app
August 9, 2016
Retigence Technologies Private Limited.
Name, Brand Guidelines and Marketing Strategy
We’re lucky to work with a few game-changing clients who have built disruptive products. StockWise, a product we’ve named, help build its brand and market, is pretty genius. It’s a SAAS product, an app that helps retailers buy right stocks at the right time. What that means is, it saves a lot of money from being stuck in dead stock and helps make higher profits, quicker. This app saves retail chains crores of rupees. It’s phenomenally easy to use. In fact, you don’t need to be literate to use the app. Also very affordable. Any small or medium retail store in India could afford it! That means more successful small and medium retailers in the future!
Brandname, identity & marketing strategy for a retail analytics app
August 9, 2016
Retigence Technologies Private Limited.
Name, Brand Guidelines and Marketing Strategy
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Yes, But.
August 8, 2016
Yes, but in four years…
Yes, but he doesn’t…
Yes, but I’m not sure…
Yes, but when I am…
Yes, but that’s impossible…
Yes, but how?
Yes, but why?
How often does a but follow your yes?
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Yes, But.
August 8, 2016
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Enough boring pictures.
August 5, 2016
People react to what they see. Every single time.
It may be worth the effort to give them something interesting to see. Even if it’s just a face.
How they see you will add up to become a brand, a reputation.
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Enough boring pictures.
August 5, 2016
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Zero’s New Obsession!
March 2, 2016
Introducing our coffee machine. Our star attraction.
Zero’s New Obsession!
March 2, 2016
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Like Us Or
February 22, 2016
Zero Budget Agency
Zero Budget Agency
A very simple way to say it as it is.
Like Us Or
February 22, 2016
Zero Budget Agency
Zero Budget Agency
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Earth Day
February 22, 2016
Zero Budget Agency
Zero Budget Agency Social content
If its Earth Day or any other major day that requires content to be made for we’re at it. Getting content for days that matter is a simple task for us.
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Earth Day
February 22, 2016
Zero Budget Agency
Zero Budget Agency Social content
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Design is Instinct
February 22, 2016
Zero Budget Agency
Zero Budget Agency Concept and design.
Design is an instinct. We take that very seriously.