ZERO is film-agnostic. We work on a broad variety of films: motions graphics, ad films, new media content, animation. We’re allied with various talents and resources: animators, sound designers, actors, models, film production houses.
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Few films by ZERO
March 22, 2017
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March 20, 2017
The right packaging could actually help you sell more. Another important part of your communications is correct packaging.
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March 20, 2017
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What is a creative brief?
March 16, 2017
A small but vital piece of paper that sets the objective, tempo, tone and everything related to design and audience. A small piece of paper that once made is continuosly referred to during the entire design process.
A creative brief puts evreyone on the same page: From client to agency to designers, copywriters, account managers. Everybody is unified with the same objective through a brief.
It is a good reminder for the projects goals.
A good brief, shortens the time and lessens the amount of money spent on a project as it helps to realise key components of the clients work to be carried out. A good creative brief is a source of inspiration that gets the creative juices flowing.
What is a creative brief?
March 16, 2017
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Post thundershowers and Holi.
March 14, 2017
Our Totoro got his fair share of rains and colour this long weekend. I’m sure he’s as happy to be back at office as we are.
Post thundershowers and Holi.
March 14, 2017
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Icons and avatars over logos?
March 1, 2017
If logos are a thing of the past, and products of the printing press and mass communication are icons and avatars the only way forward? As communications show a shift towards minimalism logo’s are become more the flavour of today. “A brand icon is a name and visual symbol that communicate a market position. An avatar is an icon that can move, morph,or otherwise operate freely as the brands alter ego.” Icons might run circles around logo’s but logos continue to reign supreme. Some of the most iconic companies still use logos that have evolved for their brand communications as well as ways to differentiate themselves from other brands
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Icons and avatars over logos?
March 1, 2017
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March 1, 2017
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March 1, 2017
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Where ideas come from
February 16, 2017
Most people wonder and most artists are asked where their ideas spring from. There are two schools of thought as to where they actually come from. One believes that theres a cloud and amongst those clouds are ideas floating around waiting to be picked up. The other believes that ideas are a result of hard work, perseverance and constant thoughtfulness. A few pointers on where to get ideas from are through: 1.Being curious 2.Being prepared 3.Working Hard 4.Luck
Where ideas come from
February 16, 2017
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Few films by ZERO
February 13, 2017
Clients, public service announcements, ZERO’s own brand.
ZERO is film-agnostic.
We work on a broad variety of films:
motions graphics, ad films, new media content, animation.
We’re allied with various talents and resources:
animators, sound designers, actors, models,
film production houses.
Few films by ZERO
February 13, 2017
Clients, public service announcements, ZERO’s own brand.
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Influencer marketing
February 3, 2017
These days people talk a lot about influencer marketing and how it is so important in brand strategy. But what is influencer marketing? The rise of social media marketing has led to digitally savvy influencers who are being used as marketeers. They function as key leaders to drive a brands message to the market sphere. Influencer marketing targets a leader who in turn has a large number of consumers who believe and follow them on various social platforms like YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram etc. These marketeers are paid to promote a certain brand for them. Used effectively they are instrumental in seducing a large target audience. Influencer marketing goes hand in hand with social media and content marketing. Similar to word of mouth marketing but not not quite influencer marketing is said to be 2017’s top marketing strategy.
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Influencer marketing
February 3, 2017
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January 25, 2017
If you want your readers to continue to read what you’ve written, or want a certain message to come across, good typography stands as one of the most important ways of doing so. Typography is how text appears visually. It could be engaging or distracting. Choosing a proper typeface affects largely how a piece is understood. It sets the tone and mood of what message is being conveyed. Whether serious or playful. It also ensures that a person keeps reading what is written without being distracted.